More data wrangling with dplyr

Practical Computing and Data Science Tools


  • Lab 5 grades coming soon.
  • Lab 6 is due this Wednesday at 5pm
  • Come to office hours or schedule a meeting if you are struggling with Lab 6!


  • Quiz (15 minutes)
  • More dplyr verbs and pipes (%>%)

dplyr verbs.

Recall the standard dplyr verb form:

verb(data, action)
  • The first argument of any dplyr verb is the data (a tibble or data.frame), and the next arguments specify how we are using the verb().

And our favorite example dataset

more_pets <- tibble(
  names = c("Dude", "Pickle", "Kyle", "Nubs", "Marvin", "Figaro", "Slim"),
  ages = c(6, 5, 3, 11, 11, 3, 6),
  meals_per_day = c(2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2),
# A tibble: 7 × 4
  names   ages meals_per_day is_dog
  <chr>  <dbl>         <dbl> <lgl> 
1 Dude       6             2 TRUE  
2 Pickle     5             3 FALSE 
3 Kyle       3             3 FALSE 
4 Nubs      11             3 FALSE 
5 Marvin    11             1 FALSE 
6 Figaro     3             2 FALSE 
7 Slim       6             2 TRUE  

We’ll use more_pets throughout lecture today.

More verbs


  • relocate() moves columns around in a tibble

move the ages column to the front of the tibble

relocate(more_pets, ages)
# A tibble: 7 × 4
   ages names  meals_per_day is_dog
  <dbl> <chr>          <dbl> <lgl> 
1     6 Dude               2 TRUE  
2     5 Pickle             3 FALSE 
3     3 Kyle               3 FALSE 
4    11 Nubs               3 FALSE 
5    11 Marvin             1 FALSE 
6     3 Figaro             2 FALSE 
7     6 Slim               2 TRUE  
  • Note, this is the default behavior of relocate().

move the ages column to the end of the tibble

Hint: similar to how we removed columns with select().

move the ages column to the end of the tibble

relocate(more_pets, -ages)
# A tibble: 7 × 4
  names  meals_per_day is_dog  ages
  <chr>          <dbl> <lgl>  <dbl>
1 Dude               2 TRUE       6
2 Pickle             3 FALSE      5
3 Kyle               3 FALSE      3
4 Nubs               3 FALSE     11
5 Marvin             1 FALSE     11
6 Figaro             2 FALSE      3
7 Slim               2 TRUE       6

put the names column after ages

# A tibble: 7 × 4
  names   ages meals_per_day is_dog
  <chr>  <dbl>         <dbl> <lgl> 
1 Dude       6             2 TRUE  
2 Pickle     5             3 FALSE 
3 Kyle       3             3 FALSE 
4 Nubs      11             3 FALSE 
5 Marvin    11             1 FALSE 
6 Figaro     3             2 FALSE 
7 Slim       6             2 TRUE  

put the names column after ages

relocate(more_pets, names, .after = ages)
# A tibble: 7 × 4
   ages names  meals_per_day is_dog
  <dbl> <chr>          <dbl> <lgl> 
1     6 Dude               2 TRUE  
2     5 Pickle             3 FALSE 
3     3 Kyle               3 FALSE 
4    11 Nubs               3 FALSE 
5    11 Marvin             1 FALSE 
6     3 Figaro             2 FALSE 
7     6 Slim               2 TRUE  
  • NOTE: this argument is called .after not after

put the is_dog column before ages

# A tibble: 7 × 4
  names   ages meals_per_day is_dog
  <chr>  <dbl>         <dbl> <lgl> 
1 Dude       6             2 TRUE  
2 Pickle     5             3 FALSE 
3 Kyle       3             3 FALSE 
4 Nubs      11             3 FALSE 
5 Marvin    11             1 FALSE 
6 Figaro     3             2 FALSE 
7 Slim       6             2 TRUE  

put the is_dog column before ages

relocate(more_pets, is_dog, .before = ages)
# A tibble: 7 × 4
  names  is_dog  ages meals_per_day
  <chr>  <lgl>  <dbl>         <dbl>
1 Dude   TRUE       6             2
2 Pickle FALSE      5             3
3 Kyle   FALSE      3             3
4 Nubs   FALSE     11             3
5 Marvin FALSE     11             1
6 Figaro FALSE      3             2
7 Slim   TRUE       6             2


  • mutate() creates new columns and adds them to the right side of an existing tibble.

add a column called birth_year to more_pets

       birth_year = 2024 - ages)
# A tibble: 7 × 5
  names   ages meals_per_day is_dog birth_year
  <chr>  <dbl>         <dbl> <lgl>       <dbl>
1 Dude       6             2 TRUE         2018
2 Pickle     5             3 FALSE        2019
3 Kyle       3             3 FALSE        2021
4 Nubs      11             3 FALSE        2013
5 Marvin    11             1 FALSE        2013
6 Figaro     3             2 FALSE        2021
7 Slim       6             2 TRUE         2018
  • Note this just prints out the new dataset.
  • What would we have to do if we wanted to save this column in more_pets?

Use the assignment operator!

more_pets <- mutate(more_pets, 
                    birth_year = 2024 - ages)
# now the column is added to more_pets
# A tibble: 7 × 5
  names   ages meals_per_day is_dog birth_year
  <chr>  <dbl>         <dbl> <lgl>       <dbl>
1 Dude       6             2 TRUE         2018
2 Pickle     5             3 FALSE        2019
3 Kyle       3             3 FALSE        2021
4 Nubs      11             3 FALSE        2013
5 Marvin    11             1 FALSE        2013
6 Figaro     3             2 FALSE        2021
7 Slim       6             2 TRUE         2018

Add a column for meals per year

Add a column for meals per year

mutate(more_pets, meals_per_year = meals_per_day * 365)
# A tibble: 7 × 6
  names   ages meals_per_day is_dog birth_year meals_per_year
  <chr>  <dbl>         <dbl> <lgl>       <dbl>          <dbl>
1 Dude       6             2 TRUE         2018            730
2 Pickle     5             3 FALSE        2019           1095
3 Kyle       3             3 FALSE        2021           1095
4 Nubs      11             3 FALSE        2013           1095
5 Marvin    11             1 FALSE        2013            365
6 Figaro     3             2 FALSE        2021            730
7 Slim       6             2 TRUE         2018            730

Equivalently, we can use the pipe to add this column

Equivalently, we can use the pipe to add this column

more_pets %>%
  mutate(meals_per_year = meals_per_day * 365)
# A tibble: 7 × 6
  names   ages meals_per_day is_dog birth_year meals_per_year
  <chr>  <dbl>         <dbl> <lgl>       <dbl>          <dbl>
1 Dude       6             2 TRUE         2018            730
2 Pickle     5             3 FALSE        2019           1095
3 Kyle       3             3 FALSE        2021           1095
4 Nubs      11             3 FALSE        2013           1095
5 Marvin    11             1 FALSE        2013            365
6 Figaro     3             2 FALSE        2021            730
7 Slim       6             2 TRUE         2018            730
  • The pipe (%>%) puts the dataset before it into the first argument of the following function.

Let’s talk about the pipe

dplyr’s pipe (%>%)

  • Used to string together “sentences” with dplyr verbs.
  • Can be read as “and then”

dplyr’s pipe (%>%)

  • Used to string together “sentences” with dplyr verbs.
  • Can be read as “and then”


more_pets %>%
  mutate(birth_year = 2024 - ages)
# A tibble: 7 × 5
  names   ages meals_per_day is_dog birth_year
  <chr>  <dbl>         <dbl> <lgl>       <dbl>
1 Dude       6             2 TRUE         2018
2 Pickle     5             3 FALSE        2019
3 Kyle       3             3 FALSE        2021
4 Nubs      11             3 FALSE        2013
5 Marvin    11             1 FALSE        2013
6 Figaro     3             2 FALSE        2021
7 Slim       6             2 TRUE         2018

dplyr’s pipe (%>%)

  • Used to string together “sentences” with dplyr verbs.
  • Can be read as “and then”


more_pets %>%
  mutate(birth_year = 2024 - ages) %>%
  filter(birth_year > 2020)
# A tibble: 2 × 5
  names   ages meals_per_day is_dog birth_year
  <chr>  <dbl>         <dbl> <lgl>       <dbl>
1 Kyle       3             3 FALSE        2021
2 Figaro     3             2 FALSE        2021

Saving the resulting tibble: assignment operator!

post_pandemic_pets <- more_pets %>%
  mutate(birth_year = 2024 - ages) %>%
  filter(birth_year > 2020)

# A tibble: 2 × 5
  names   ages meals_per_day is_dog birth_year
  <chr>  <dbl>         <dbl> <lgl>       <dbl>
1 Kyle       3             3 FALSE        2021
2 Figaro     3             2 FALSE        2021

We’ll use the pipe throughout the rest of the course

  • As they arise, we will discuss more subtleties of the pipe (these are discussed in Section 7.12 of IFDAR)

Back to mutate()

A variation of mutate(): transmute().

  • By default, mutate() adds a column and keeps all the previous columns from the tibble.
  • transmute() on the other hand, adds a column and removes all the columns from the tibble.
  • Let’s try it out!

use transmute() to add a logical column called age_dogyears to more_pets

use transmute() to add a column called age_dogyears to more_pets

more_pets %>%
  transmute(age_dogyears = ages * 7)
# A tibble: 7 × 1
1           42
2           35
3           21
4           77
5           77
6           21
7           42

use transmute() to add a column called age_dogyears to more_pets, but keep the names.

more_pets %>% 
  transmute(names, age_dogyears = ages * 7)
# A tibble: 7 × 2
  names  age_dogyears
  <chr>         <dbl>
1 Dude             42
2 Pickle           35
3 Kyle             21
4 Nubs             77
5 Marvin           77
6 Figaro           21
7 Slim             42

Note what happens when I move names in the function

What do you think will happen?

more_pets %>%
  transmute(age_dogyears = ages * 7, names)

Note what happens when I move names in the function

What do you think will happen?

more_pets %>%
  transmute(age_dogyears = ages * 7, names)
# A tibble: 7 × 2
  age_dogyears names 
         <dbl> <chr> 
1           42 Dude  
2           35 Pickle
3           21 Kyle  
4           77 Nubs  
5           77 Marvin
6           21 Figaro
7           42 Slim  

Add a column called post_pandemic that indicates whether or not a pet was born after 2020.

# A tibble: 7 × 5
  names   ages meals_per_day is_dog birth_year
  <chr>  <dbl>         <dbl> <lgl>       <dbl>
1 Dude       6             2 TRUE         2018
2 Pickle     5             3 FALSE        2019
3 Kyle       3             3 FALSE        2021
4 Nubs      11             3 FALSE        2013
5 Marvin    11             1 FALSE        2013
6 Figaro     3             2 FALSE        2021
7 Slim       6             2 TRUE         2018
  • How do we do this?

We need a case_when()

  • The case_when() function allows use to add a column based on logical conditions.
  • In general, when using a case_when() within a mutate() the form is something like this:
data %>%
  mutate(new_column = case_when(
    condition_1 ~ "value",
    condition_2 ~ "other value"
  • where condition_1 and condition_2 are logical statements.

Add a column called post_pandemic that indicates whether or not a pet was born after 2020.

Add a column called post_pandemic that indicates whether or not a pet was born after 2020.

more_pets %>%
  mutate(post_pandemic = case_when(
    birth_year > 2020 ~ TRUE,
    birth_year <= 2020 ~ FALSE

Add a column called post_pandemic that indicates whether or not a pet was born after 2020.

more_pets %>%
  mutate(post_pandemic = case_when(
    birth_year > 2020 ~ TRUE,
    birth_year <= 2020 ~ FALSE
# A tibble: 7 × 6
  names   ages meals_per_day is_dog birth_year post_pandemic
  <chr>  <dbl>         <dbl> <lgl>       <dbl> <lgl>        
1 Dude       6             2 TRUE         2018 FALSE        
2 Pickle     5             3 FALSE        2019 FALSE        
3 Kyle       3             3 FALSE        2021 TRUE         
4 Nubs      11             3 FALSE        2013 FALSE        
5 Marvin    11             1 FALSE        2013 FALSE        
6 Figaro     3             2 FALSE        2021 TRUE         
7 Slim       6             2 TRUE         2018 FALSE        

Add a column called type_of_animal that tells us what type of animal each of the pets are

Add a column called type_of_animal that tells us what type of animal each of the pets are

more_pets <- more_pets %>%
  mutate(type_of_animal = case_when(
    is_dog ~ "dog",
    names %in% c("Pickle", "Kyle", "Nubs", "Figaro") ~ "cat",
    names == "Marvin" ~ "sheep/ram"

Add a column called type_of_animal that tells us what type of animal each of the pets are

# A tibble: 7 × 6
  names   ages meals_per_day is_dog birth_year type_of_animal
  <chr>  <dbl>         <dbl> <lgl>       <dbl> <chr>         
1 Dude       6             2 TRUE         2018 dog           
2 Pickle     5             3 FALSE        2019 cat           
3 Kyle       3             3 FALSE        2021 cat           
4 Nubs      11             3 FALSE        2013 cat           
5 Marvin    11             1 FALSE        2013 sheep/ram     
6 Figaro     3             2 FALSE        2021 cat           
7 Slim       6             2 TRUE         2018 dog           

Summarizing data with dplyr


  • Data summaries are some of the best ways to learn from the data we have.
  • With increasingly large data, it can be very helpful to summarize.
  • dplyr provides intuitive and powerful ways to summarize data.
  • They call their function for summarization, suprisingly,
  • summarize()


  • The summarize() function takes a very similar form to the other dplyr functions.
  • In particular, it is of the form:
summarize(data, new_summary_column = summarization_code)

Get the mean value of the pet’s ages

more_pets %>%
  summarize(avg_age = mean(ages))
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1    6.43

Get the total years lived by the pets

more_pets %>%
  summarize(years_lived = sum(ages))
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1          45

It is common to want to summarize data by group.

  • For example, one might want to get the average age of pets for each type of animal,
  • Or, in a more forestry example, the average DBH of different tree species’ in a stand.
  • We’ll do the pets one today.


  • The group_by() function allows us to group our tibble by a variable of interest.
  • group_by() on its own, does not change the rows or columns of the tibble, it just makes it “grouped”
  • However, when we go to summarize() “grouped” data, we get the results for each group.
  • Let’s try it out!

average age for each type of pet

# A tibble: 7 × 6
  names   ages meals_per_day is_dog birth_year type_of_animal
  <chr>  <dbl>         <dbl> <lgl>       <dbl> <chr>         
1 Dude       6             2 TRUE         2018 dog           
2 Pickle     5             3 FALSE        2019 cat           
3 Kyle       3             3 FALSE        2021 cat           
4 Nubs      11             3 FALSE        2013 cat           
5 Marvin    11             1 FALSE        2013 sheep/ram     
6 Figaro     3             2 FALSE        2021 cat           
7 Slim       6             2 TRUE         2018 dog           

average age for each type of pet

more_pets %>% 
# A tibble: 7 × 6
# Groups:   type_of_animal [3]
  names   ages meals_per_day is_dog birth_year type_of_animal
  <chr>  <dbl>         <dbl> <lgl>       <dbl> <chr>         
1 Dude       6             2 TRUE         2018 dog           
2 Pickle     5             3 FALSE        2019 cat           
3 Kyle       3             3 FALSE        2021 cat           
4 Nubs      11             3 FALSE        2013 cat           
5 Marvin    11             1 FALSE        2013 sheep/ram     
6 Figaro     3             2 FALSE        2021 cat           
7 Slim       6             2 TRUE         2018 dog           

average age for each type of pet

more_pets %>% 
  group_by(type_of_animal) %>%
  summarize(avg_age = mean(ages))
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  type_of_animal avg_age
  <chr>            <dbl>
1 cat                5.5
2 dog                6  
3 sheep/ram         11  

Next time

  • More advanced dplyr