Lecture Recordings

FOR 128: Practical Computing and Data Science Tools, Fall 2024


Week 1, day 1: Welcome to the course. Available here.

Week 1, day 2: Data science tools. Available here.

Week 2, day 1: Practical computing. Available here.

Week 2, day 2: Reading and writing data. Available here.

Week 3, day 1: No recording available.

Week 3, day 2: Data structures. Available here.

Week 4, day 1: No recording available.

Week 4, day 2: Review of data structures & intro to functions. Available here.

Week 5, day 1: Functions and conditionals. Available here.

Week 5, day 2: Functions. NOTE: audio issues. Available here.

Week 6, day 1: Welcome to the tidyverse. Available here.

Week 6, day 2: Midterm review day. No recording.

Week 7, day 1: tibble and readr. Available here.

Week 7, day 2: Introduction to data wrangling with dplyr. Available here.

Week 8, day 1: More data wrangling with dplyr. Available here.

Week 8, day 2: Advanced grouping and summarizing. Available here.

Week 9, day 1: Combining multiple tibbles. Available here.

Week 10, day 1: Reshaping data with tidyr. Available here.

Week 10, day 2: Reshaping data with tidyr, part 2. Available here.

Week 11, day 1: The grammar of graphics. Available here.

Week 11, day 2: Final project explanation and more plotting with ggplot2. Available here.

Week 12, day 1: More plotting with ggplot2. Available here.

Week 12, day 2: Building graphics incrementally, composing plots with patchwork, and saving plots. Available here.

Week 13, day 1: Spatial data with sf. Available here.

Week 14, day 1: Project and midterms and quizzes, galore! Available here.