An example blog post

An examination of the Thuja plicata trees in Portland, OR
Environmental data

Grayson White

Andrew Finley


December 2, 2024


This is an example blog post about Western red cedar (Thuja plicata) trees in Portland, Oregon. I am using data from the pdxTrees R package. The pdxTrees R package has a nice hex sticker, which we can include in the blog post like this:

and if the image was on my computer rather than online, I could include it by using the same syntax with a relative path rather than website URL. Note the options I used to include this figure. “out-width” decides how wide the image should be, from 0% to 100%. “fig-align” allows you to align the image on the “left”, “center”, or “right”. “echo” either includes the code (echo: true) or does not include the code (echo: false) in the Rendered document. By default echo is true.

We’ll use a few packages for our analyses, namely the tidyverse, gt, and pdxTrees.


Note that we used the “code-fold” option here to fold the code used to load these libraries. We also set the “message” option to false in order to silence the message that the tidyverse prints upon loading.


Here we will discuss the two datasets we are using for this example project.

Park data

The parks data include measurements of every tree in every park in Portland, Oregon. We can load the data in as follows:

parks <- get_pdxTrees_parks()
[1] 25534    34

By default, both the code and output is included.

The first few rows look like this:

# A tibble: 6 × 34
  Longitude Latitude UserID Genus       Family   DBH Inventory_Date      Species
      <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>  <chr>       <chr>  <dbl> <dttm>              <chr>  
1     -123.     45.6 1      Pseudotsuga Pinac…  37.4 2017-05-09 00:00:00 PSME   
2     -123.     45.6 2      Pseudotsuga Pinac…  32.5 2017-05-09 00:00:00 PSME   
3     -123.     45.6 3      Crataegus   Rosac…   9.7 2017-05-09 00:00:00 CRLA   
4     -123.     45.6 4      Quercus     Fagac…  10.3 2017-05-09 00:00:00 QURU   
5     -123.     45.6 5      Pseudotsuga Pinac…  33.2 2017-05-09 00:00:00 PSME   
6     -123.     45.6 6      Pseudotsuga Pinac…  32.1 2017-05-09 00:00:00 PSME   
# ℹ 26 more variables: Common_Name <chr>, Condition <chr>, Tree_Height <dbl>,
#   Crown_Width_NS <dbl>, Crown_Width_EW <dbl>, Crown_Base_Height <dbl>,
#   Collected_By <chr>, Park <chr>, Scientific_Name <chr>,
#   Functional_Type <chr>, Mature_Size <fct>, Native <chr>, Edible <chr>,
#   Nuisance <chr>, Structural_Value <dbl>, Carbon_Storage_lb <dbl>,
#   Carbon_Storage_value <dbl>, Carbon_Sequestration_lb <dbl>,
#   Carbon_Sequestration_value <dbl>, Stormwater_ft <dbl>, …

If we wanted to display the data in a more elegant way, we could use the gt package:

head(parks) %>% select(1:6) %>% gt()
Longitude Latitude UserID Genus Family DBH
-122.6936 45.57491 1 Pseudotsuga Pinaceae 37.4
-122.6938 45.57489 2 Pseudotsuga Pinaceae 32.5
-122.6942 45.57493 3 Crataegus Rosaceae 9.7
-122.6939 45.57490 4 Quercus Fagaceae 10.3
-122.6940 45.57491 5 Pseudotsuga Pinaceae 33.2
-122.6943 45.57489 6 Pseudotsuga Pinaceae 32.1

We need to filter for only Western red cedars! So let’s do that:

parks <- parks %>%
  filter(Species == "THPL")

In this case, we set the “code-fold” option to show rather than true or false, the show option allows the user to fold the code, but starts it as unfolded code.

Street data

We can also load in the streets dataset and include the code that was used to do that:

streets <- get_pdxTrees_streets() %>%
  filter(Species == "THPL")


We can include plots and tables…

parks %>%
  group_by(Park) %>%
  summarize(mean_DBH = mean(DBH)) %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_histogram(aes(x = mean_DBH), 
                 color = "black", 
                 fill = "steelblue",
                 bins = 20) +

parks %>%
  group_by(Park) %>%
  summarize(mean_DBH = mean(DBH),
            num_trees = n()) %>%
  slice_max(mean_DBH, n = 10) %>%
Park mean_DBH num_trees
Thompson Park 50.00000 1
Joseph Wood Hill Park 47.80000 2
Johnson Creek Park 41.60000 2
Clinton Park 40.80000 1
Trenton Park 39.62000 5
Johnswood Property 38.76667 3
Gabriel Park 36.60000 23
Argay Park 36.44538 13
April Hill Park 34.25000 4
Kenton Park 32.64000 10

You can use the pipe to put a tibble right into a gt table


There are lots of beautiful Western red cedars in Portland! If I wanted to include a figure on my computer, I could do so like this:


Most of the time I would set echo: false for including an image, but I left it as true (the default) to show this example.